
The Association is formed by research fellows and other researchers and clinicians who have received research grants from the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation.

For the past 10 years, the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation has been engaged in the promotion of child and adolescent mental health, facilitating the specialisation of psychologists and psychiatrists in this field. In addition, it has backed progress in this area of research, and has contributed to the professional development of researchers in mental health and neuroscience in Spain.

In this regard, the Association is formed by:

...who, having completed their competitive examinations (MIR and PIR) and subsequent residencies, have undertaken a two-year specialist training placement at one of the five hospitals with the highest international reputation in this field, thanks to the advanced training fellowships in child and adolescent psychiatry or psychology funded by the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation.

...who, having received fellowships for short placements (6 months) in child and adolescent mental health and neuroscience funded by the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation, have undertaken placements as either clinicians or researchers at internationlly reputed specialist institutions.

...who, thanks to funding from the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation, have undertaken two-year projects at Spanish institutions on clinical or basic research in child and adolescent mental health and neuroscience.

...who have been involved in maintaining the scientific quality of the programmes sponsored by the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation in the area of child and adolescent mental health.

María de Gracia Domínguez Barrera, Presidenta Psiquiatra
Laia Villalta Macià Psiquiatra
María Dolores Picouto, Tesorera Psiquiatra
María Concepción Guisasola, Vocal Médico internista
Gisela Sugranyes, Vocal Psiquiatra
Dolores María Moreno, Vocal Psiquiatra
Júlia García Fuster Neurocientífico
Guillermo Gervasini Rodríguez Neurocientífico
Rafaela Carmen Caballero Andaluz Psiquiatra
Sandra Gallego Villalta Psiquiatra
César González-Blanch Bosch Psicólogo
Olga Santesteban Echarri Psicólogo
Juan Antonio Amador Campos Psicólogo
María Azul Forti Buratti Psiquiatra
Esther Montero Manzano Psiquiatra
Juan Salvador Nàcher Roselló Neurocientífico
Wendy Nerea Dávila Wood Psicólogo
Pilar de Castro Manglano Psiquiatra
Miguel Ángel García Cabezas Neurocientífico
María Carmen Orellana Alonso Neurocientífico
Hilario Manuel Blasco Fontecilla Psiquiatra
Vicente Rubio Zamora Neurocientífico
Iris Pérez Bonaventura Psicólogo
Mar Álvarez Segura Psiquiatra
Ismael Galve-Roperh Neurocientífico
Celso Arango López Psiquiatra
Bru Cormand Rifa Neurocientífico
María Martínez Hervés Psiquiatra
Marta Rapado Castro Psicólogo
María Luisa Lázaro García Psiquiatra
María Teresa Ferrín Erdozain Psiquiatra
Daniel Ilzarbe Simorte Psiquiatra
Marina Fábrega Ribera Psiquiatra
María Carmen Morcillo Peñalver Psiquiatra
Marta Casanovas Espinar Psiquiatra
Àngels Mayordomo Aranda Psiquiatra
Fátima Valencia Agudo Psicólogo
Marina Romero González Psiquiatra
Lourdes Rocío García Murillo Psiquiatra
Ana Pérez Gil Psiquiatra
María Alicia Serrano Villar Psicólogo
Leticia Gutiérrez Galve Psiquiatra
María Avelina Parrilla Escobar Psiquiatra
Juan José Carballo Belloso Psiquiatra
Laura Pina Camacho Psiquiatra
Ainoa Mateu Mullor Psicólogo
José Ángel Alda Díez Psiquiatra
Itziar Baltasar Tello Psiquiatra
Ana Belén Calvo Calvo Psicólogo
Lorena María Gómez Guerrero Psiquiatra
Irene Esteban Cornejo Neurocientífico
María de la Soledad Romero Cela Psiquiatra
Marta Carulla Roig Psiquiatra
Cesar Alejandro Soutullo Esperon Psiquiatra
Lorena Fernández de la Cruz Psicólogo
Sonia Álvarez Fernández Psicólogo
María Dolores Ledesma Muñoz Neurocientífico
Francesc Artigas Pérez Neurocientífico
Pedro de Castro de Castro Neuropediatría
Lorena Chanes Puiggros Neurocientífico
Regina Sala Cassola Psiquiatra
Maria del  Mar Vila Grifolls Psiquiatra
Raquel Cecilia Costa Psiquiatra
Iria Méndez Blanco Psiquiatra
María Andreu Pascual Psiquiatra
Alba Vilaplana Pérez Psicólogo
Laura María Sevilla Cermeño psiquiatra
Alba Ancochea Vilaplana psiquiatra
Azucena Díez Suárez Psiquiatra
M Angeles Mairena Psicólogo
Cristina Dominguez Martin Psiquiatra
Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo Psiquiatra
Pilar Santamarina Pérez Psicólogo
Maria del Mar Ribas Rodriguez Psicólogo
Vicotria Aixa Morales García Neurocientífico
Braulio Manuel Girela Serrano Psiquiatra
Rocio Roselló Miranda Psiquiatra
Carolina Pastor Jordá Psiquiatra
Julio David Vaquerizo Serrano Psiquiatra
Teresa Gómez Alemany Psiquiatra
Ana Pascual Sánchez Psicólogo
Víctor Pereira Sánchez Psiquiatra
Pablo Vidal-Ribas Belil Psicólogo
Isabel Hernández Otero Psiquiatra
Sandra Gomez Vallejo Psiquiatra
María Covadonga Martínez Díaz-Caneja Psiquiatra
Francisco Eliseo Olucha Bordonau Neurocientífico
Esther Calvete Zumalde Psicólogo
Javier Sánchez Cerezo Psiquiatra