Communication Area

The working group of the Communication Area of ​​the Association of Scientists

in Child and Adolescent Mental Health – Alicia Koplowitz Foundation was formed in March 2016. It is currently made up of Dr. Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo (coordinator), Dr. María Concepción Guisasola Zulueta (member of the Board of Directors), Dr. Victor Pereira Sánchez, Dr. Carolina Pastor Jordá, Dr. Julio Vaquerizo Serrano, Dr. Francisco Olucha Bordonau and Dr. Andrés Román Jarrín.

The area uses social networks to disseminate the latest scientific news, proposals for professional updating, and collaborations with other scientific groups in the field of child and adolescent mental health and neuroscience. Social networks echo the activity of the Association allowing dynamism and immediacy of information flow. We have a consolidated network of followers that increases day by day. Both partners, as well as the general public interested in this field, interact and benefit from the information shared daily on our pages.

The website of the Association allows to reflect and publicize the Association and the work carried out by its working groups. At private area of members (, information of interest to members can be found. As a way of giving visibility to the projects and activities of the association, the Communication Area shares videos ( on social media and website. Included are current affairs, member article summaries, center and rotation information, and collaborations with other associations.

Our goal is for members to use the Communication Area as a tool for disseminating their work, including, among other information and documents of interest, publications, seminars and updates from the center to which they belong. As a result, increase the visibility of your work and reach a larger and more diverse audience.

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Activities Calendar

Do you want to collaborate?

If you would like to participate in the work group which is developing this line of action please contact us at this email.