Continous Training Area

This new area organizes different training activities in Children and Adolescent Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology for residents, scholars and other members. Therefore, we develop training activities organized by members of the area and directed to resisents of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. We provide support for Advanced Training in Psychiatry and Psychology of the Child and the Adolescent / Predoctoral scholars and Short stay Scholars .

The area continous training area is born from the interest to restructure the organization of the previous working groups. After months of coordination between the different levels, the unification of what had been developed in two separate areas of work (professional development; advice to Fellows and residents) was decided because of their but common main objective: training. The objectives of the new working group are the following:

  1. Develop professional updating activities to promote the integral formation of its members.
  2. Promote contact between scholars, tutors and other members, providing a network of interaction.
  3. Offer support to the scholarship holders.
  4. Advise and encourage the training in child and adolescent mental health for Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology residents.

For the 2018-2019 academic year this area proposes 3 main projects:

1) PARTNERSHIPS: Grants for the realization of training courses will be provided, creating a database of the courses taken and feedback of its assistants. The partners who have benefited from this grants will be asked to respond to a brief feedback questionnaire about the course they took (content, utility, recommendations, etc.). This questionnaire will be included as part of the 2019 bases. Using this information, it will be possible to create a database to facilitate the exchange of information.This project will be coordinated by Ainoa Mateu.

2) SCHOLARSHIPS: We will update the documents supporting trainees and we will facilitate communication between the different scholars to create training opportunities. This project will be coordinated by Dr. Itziar Baltasar.

3) RESIDENTS: We will to hold the second edition of the Residents Workshop, following the model carried out in February 2018 using complementary contents, to consolidate the Association of Scientists Workshops as stable, accessible and affordable training space for residents within the national scene. We will disseminate the results obtained in the last edition. This project will be coordinated by Dr. Daniel Ilzarbe.

  • Download here to download
  • Download here to download

Cursos de formación:


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Do you want to collaborate?

If you would like to participate in the work group which is developing this line of action please contact us at this email.